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Special classes at Inner Peace

Balance your Chakras- Yoga & Sound Journey​

​I have the great joy to invite you for a Chakras journey, that I will co-host with Elisabeth Perez. We will practice yoga, pranayama (breathing), meditation, use mudras, and have a deep relaxation. All practices will be amplified by the power of sound. The singing bowls have also a very deep impact on the nervous system. You are in for a treat!

Elisabeth Perez sound journeys Inner Peace

Root chakra

19 January 10:00-12:00

On an emotional level, muladhara chakra is connected to survival, money, food, a sense of safety. 


Solar Plexus

30 March 10:00-11:30

On an emotional level, manipura chakra is connected to knowledge, action, inner fire, capacity to make decisions


Throat chakra

15 June 10:00-11:30

On an emotional level, vishuddha chakra is connected the expression of your truth, creativity


Sacral Chakra

23 February 18:30-20:00

On an emotional level, svadhistana chakra is connected to desire, sexuality,  body confidence, the perception of movement


Heart Chakra

4 May 10:00-11:30

On an emotional level, anahata chakra is connected to love, acceptance,compassion, forgiveness, compassion


Third Eye + Crown chakra

29 June 10:00-11:30

On an emotional level, ajna is connected to vision, intuition, 

 sahasrara is connected to consciousness, surrender, connection to the divine, 

Sessions details

Price: 50.- / class

Payment: by bank transfer

Dominique Rentsch

1201 Genève

IBAN : CH27 0024 3243 G990 1527 0

indicate your name, the session date

You can choose to attend one or several (all) sessions.

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